March 30th, Dublin, Ireland: KantanMT has introduced a new role of “Reviewer” on KantanSkynet, an AI enhanced post-editing platform powered by a community of professional translators. A Reviewer is tasked with approving post-edits applied by Editors and provides a second level of quality assurance As is the case with Editors, Reviewers are given the flexibility to earn money by undertaking projects on the platform, which is available Anytime, Anywhere and via Any Device.
Jim Nolan, KantanMT’s Sales Manager for the KantanSkynet platform, explained the purpose of the new role: “Reviewers offer a second check for quality, approving Editor post-edits. This ensures that our clients can guarantee higher translation precision and quality while using the KantanSkynet platform””.
Reviewers work in their own Dashboard, which was created so that it clearly lays out an organised list of Review Tasks available to be taken on by any approved Reviewer. This user interface has been devised so as to make it easy for the linguist to quickly peruse, identify, select and complete and return the completed task.
Reviewers can register at any time on the KantanSkynet platform. Those approved will be paid to complete projects based on their translation industry experience, domain expertise and achieved daily word rate. It is anticipated that as many as 150 Reviewers will be approved in the initial recruitment drive. This number is expected to expand as the KantanSkynet platform continues to grow additional business.
About KantanMT is a pioneer in neural machine translation solutions. It’s market leading platform, KantanMT, enables global organisation to customise, improve and deploy neural MT solutions at scale. Their KantanSkynet platform enables modern enterprises to deliver digital content in native languages, with always-on, AI enhanced, crowd-sourced translation services. KantanSkynet combines the speed and cost-benefits of machine translation with the authenticity and precision that only a native speaker can deliver.
KantanMT is part of the Keywords Studios Group, the largest provider of global services to the video games and media & entertainment industries. It has offices in over 50 locations and delivers services to 23 of the top 25 games companies.
KantanMT is based in the INVENT Building, DCU Campus, Dublin 9, Ireland.